At Cellebration, we have mastered the technology for isolating the maximum number of viable stem cells from either the autologous sources of your body or allogenic with a matched donor to treat various patients with Chronic Pain. We isolate and enrich the viable cell stems which will be infused into the patient. Stem Cell treatment for Chronic Pain involves administration of concentrated cells in the targeted area to form colonies, adapt the properties of resident stem cells and initiate some of the lost functions that have been compromised by the disease or injury.
Years of research indicate altering the microenvironment with the application of stem cell therapy enhances the immune system. Stem cell treatments can address the challenges in disease progression as the most non-invasive treatment available to limit cell damage and reduce symptoms. Stem cells are capable of differentiation into neuronal cell lines and can work in synchrony for chronic neuropathic pain.
These cells are administered through one of the methods after a considerably analysis of patient’s unique history and medical professional’s advice.
Local Administration
In this delivery mode, cells are infused into the peripheral veins to expand blood volumes in the system, to ensure that the maximum number of cells are reaching the targeted area.
Intravenous Administration
In this delivery mode, cells are infused into the peripheral veins to expand blood volumes in the system, to ensure that the maximum number of cells are reaching the targeted area.
When infused back into the body, these cells can be repopulated by virtue of their strong paracrine effects. They are differentiated into neurons of other damaged supporting cells to improve functions in the tissues. These stem cells are known to create a microenvironment to accelerate the secretion of growth factors, promoting differentiation of targeted cells in the case of chronic pain. Brain cells of the central nervous system are generally targeted. Thus, with our highly specialized approach, it is now possible to administer treatments for Chronic Pain and observe noticeable improvements in symptoms as well as functional abilities.