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Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. Knee pain may be the result of an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. It can be caused by sports injuries, work-related motions, natural mechanical problems,  and arthritis, among other multiple possibilities. For Knee Pain, age is also a key factor. According to recent studies: “Knee pain is a very common musculoskeletal condition and is a leading cause of disability in people aged over 50 years”.

Signs and symptoms that sometimes accompany knee pain include:

  • Swelling and stiffness
  • Redness and warmth to the touch
  • Weakness or instability
  • Popping or crunching noises

Providing adequate and prompt therapy to recover from knee pain is crucial. Updated research on patients with knee pain due to OA (Osteoarthritis) has indicated that “knee pain over one year predicted accelerated cartilage volume loss and increased risk of incident and progressive deterioration . Early management of knee pain and controlling knee pain over time by targeting the underlying mechanisms, may be important for preserving knee structure and reducing the burden of knee OA.”

Knee Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy, being part of the regenerative medicine field, has increasingly become an attractive alternative to otherwise painful surgeries that require time, effort, and rest in order to recover from the intervention. Being non-invasive, regenerative therapy offers patients a treatment to recover from injuries and conditions that were traditionally treated with invasive knee replacement procedures.

It is common for our patients to begin their questions with how much does a stem cell injection cost? Gladly, we clarify that depending on the condition to be treated. The number of IV and Local applications will vary. Also, we do not charge our patients per injection; rather, our prices vary according to the number of vials included in the personalized protocol each patient receives from our medical directors, who in turn consult with Dr Anand Srivastava (our Chief Scientist Officer and Co-Founder).

This translates to safety for patients of stem cell therapy, knowing that each protocol is developed by highly trained medical professionals with an extensive scientific background.

Back Pain

Back pain has progressively become a common health problem for patients worldwide. It is a major cause of painful disability, thus affecting performance in daily activities, including work related demands and everyday chores. Even though several factors have been related to back pain, such as: posture, obesity, age (aging) and depressive moods, the causes of each patient’s condition are usually specific and difficult to identify. Back pain, per se, is not a specific disease; rather, it is a myriad of symptoms that generate this affliction.

Stem cell therapy for back pain has become an attractive treatment option due to the non-invasive nature of the procedure, as well as its objective of regenerating the damage done, rather than surgically intervening, or substituting natural body parts. Being part of the regenerative medicine branch, stem cell therapy research has provided tangible protocols that continually provide patients relief and increased general well-being.

At present low back pain is treated with analgesics. The causes of lower back pain are rarely addressed. Alternative treatments include physical therapy, rehabilitation, and spinal manipulation. Disc surgery remains the last option when all other strategies have failed, but the outcomes are disappointing.

In the United States, an estimated 149 million workdays are lost every year because of low back pain, with total costs estimated to be US $100 to 200 billion a year (of which two-thirds is due to lost wages and lower productivity).

Nearly 65 million Americans report a recent episode of back pain. Some 16 million adults — 8 percent of all adults — experience persistent or chronic back pain, and as a result are limited in certain everyday activities. Back pain is the sixth most costly condition in the United States.


Back Pain Stem Cell Therapy

Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)

Stem cell therapy for Degenerative Disc Disease helps the degenerated discs repair themselves through the infiltration of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the affected areas. It is common practice for patients to provide MRI scans and a proper diagnosis of the condition, in order for medical teams to determine the amount and type of stem cells to include the personalized protocol.

According to a study made in 2015 intradiscal MSC transplantation was identified as a safe and effective way to address the underlying cause of disk pathology in DDD that traditional conservative, interventional and surgical treatments fail to address.

Herniated Discs

The displacement of disc material beyond their natural space can generate disc protrusions, disc bulges, herniation, rupturing of discs, all falling under the category of a herniated disc, which means that it has left its proper place. The consequences of this condition can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, which causes severe pain, numbness, and weakness, as well as overall discomfort and inability to perform daily activities.

Stem cell therapy for herniated discs provides the patient’s body the ability of regenerating the damage done to tissues in the affected area, as well as providing necessary support for the organism to replace the protruded discs to their natural place.

Spinal Stenosis

Due to natural wear and tear, a narrowing of the spaces between the spine can occur, which puts pressure in the nerves within the affected area (usually along the neck or lower back), causing severe stress that can impair the patient during  daily activities.

Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury is a damage to the spinal cord that results in loss of function, such as mobility and/or feeling. Damage to the spinal cord can occur in a variety of ways, the most common cause is due to external trauma or a disease such as polio, spina bifida, ataxia, etc.

With stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury, the application of mesenchymal stem cells has the ability to repopulate the damaged areas of the spinal cord.  Through their strong paracrine effects, they can differentiate into lost neurons or other damaged supporting cells to improve motor as well as sensory functions of the spinal cord. Mesenchymal stem cells show the ability to prevent neuronal damage by inhibiting the inflammatory response in the lesion area after traumatic injury and to repair nerve tissue damaged in patients with spinal cord injury.


Shoulder Pain

Shoulders are fundamental to most motions we regularly perform. Shoulder pain is uncomfortable, no doubt due to arthritis, rotator cuff tears or sport and work-related injuries. Daily activities can be severely impaired, including sleep, which in turn could generate distress that further affects your life. Stem cell therapy, being part of the regenerative medicine branch, can be a solution that enables you to return to well-being.

Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Pain

Since before birth, stem cells help us in every stage of our development by transforming into our tissue and organs during each stage of our growth. Stem cells are fundamental building and repair blocks for all living organisms. As we grow into adulthood and start aging, our natural stem cell reservoir progressively diminishes. That is why it is usually easier to heal from wounds and recover from most less complex diseases when we are younger.

Stem cells therapy for shoulder pain benefits from the nature of stem cells to regenerate tissue by infiltrating stem cells, specifically in the affected shoulder. Stem cells are cultivated in our laboratories, be they allogenic (donor) or autologous (patient’s own), where our exclusive scientific knowledge enables us to apply a culture process that increases the effectiveness of our treatments and ensure that the stem cells used are most effective.

Reasons why you may need Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder

The shoulder is a high functioning joint and has a wide range of motion which makes it very susceptible to injuries and be affected by degenerative diseases that can result in swelling, pain, and immobilization of the joints. Surgery for shoulder injuries is often prescribed to repair or replace the joint, which isn’t always effective, and patients can expect a long recovery afterwards including physical therapy.

A rotator cuff injury can range from an impingement of the tendons to a partial or complete rotator cuff tear. These injuries can be the result of trauma or age-related degeneration of the tendons, causing pain and disabling the movements of the shoulder.

Stem cell therapy is a viable option to avoid surgery and regenerate damaged or lost tissue causing pain on the shoulder.

The main goal of Cellebration Wellness is to provide the best stem cell therapy possible to our patients through the stem cell application of adult mesenchymal stem cells (AMSC), to improve their quality of life, to avoid unnecessary surgery and the tedious, tiresome and in most cases painful recovery.


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Avenida Escazu, Building 202, Suite 401
Escazu, San Jose, Costa Rica
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